

Haiwen Hong Kong Invited to Review the Major Developments in Hong Kong Arbitration in 2023

海问律师事务所香港办公室争议解决业务组受邀在由Rob Merkin御用大律师/教授为总编的知名仲裁法通讯《仲裁法月刊》上发表了文章,对香港2023年的仲裁案例法律做了全面回顾,为全球仲裁界提供了宝贵的见解。

Haiwen & Partners LLP's Hong Kong Dispute Resolution team has contributed an article to Arbitration Law Monthly, a prominent arbitration law newsletter edited by Professor Rob Merkin KC. The article provides a comprehensive review of notable arbitration-related court decisions in Hong Kong during 2023, offering valuable insights for the global arbitration community.



The article highlights significant developments in Hong Kong arbitration in 2023, including but not limited to:

● 多层次争议解决条款:强调遵守仲裁前置条件通常是仲裁庭需要判断的准入性问题,而非受到法院审查的范畴。

Multi-tiered dispute resolution clause: emphasising that compliance with pre-arbitration conditions is generally a matter of admissibility determined by the tribunal, rather than subject to court review.

● 仲裁条款与清盘程序的相互关系:仲裁条款与清盘程序之间的相互作用仍存在不确定性。

Interplay between arbitration clauses and winding-up proceedings: uncertainty persists regarding the interaction between arbitration clauses and winding-up proceedings.

● 积极支持仲裁和坚守正当程序:尽管法院继续积极支持仲裁,但在适当的情况下也会拒绝强制执行,展现对正当程序的承诺。

Pro-arbitration approach and commitment to due process: While the court continues to adopt a pro-arbitration stance, there are instances where enforcement may be refused when appropriate, demonstrating a dedication to upholding due process.


These Hong Kong court decisions collectively underscore the robust independence and pro-arbitration stance of the Hong Kong judiciary, solidifying the city's reputation as a pre-eminent seat for international arbitration.


Led by renowned lawyer Edward Liu, Haiwen Hong Kong's Dispute Resolution team delivers high-quality legal services in resolving a wide range of disputes. With comprehensive skills, they excel in complex cross-border litigation, international arbitration, and domestic commercial disputes. Highly regarded for their expertise and reputation, the team handles high-value claims, and is experienced in institutional and ad hoc arbitrations across Hong Kong, London, and Singapore, as well as litigation and winding-up cases in Hong Kong.


Since 2010, Edward Liu has been invited to serve as a special contributor for the Arbitration Law Monthly, specifically writing articles about Hong Kong courts' decisions on arbitration and introducing the latest developments in Hong Kong arbitration to the global arbitration community. The printed abstract version of this article can be accessed through the provided link to the original text. For the complete version, please contact the author directly.


Haiwen Hong Kong Invited to Review the Major Developments in Hong Kong Arbitration in 2023

海问律师事务所香港办公室争议解决业务组受邀在由Rob Merkin御用大律师/教授为总编的知名仲裁法通讯《仲裁法月刊》上发表了文章,对香港2023年的仲裁案例法律做了全面回顾,为全球仲裁界提供了宝贵的见解。

Haiwen & Partners LLP's Hong Kong Dispute Resolution team has contributed an article to Arbitration Law Monthly, a prominent arbitration law newsletter edited by Professor Rob Merkin KC. The article provides a comprehensive review of notable arbitration-related court decisions in Hong Kong during 2023, offering valuable insights for the global arbitration community.



The article highlights significant developments in Hong Kong arbitration in 2023, including but not limited to:

● 多层次争议解决条款:强调遵守仲裁前置条件通常是仲裁庭需要判断的准入性问题,而非受到法院审查的范畴。

Multi-tiered dispute resolution clause: emphasising that compliance with pre-arbitration conditions is generally a matter of admissibility determined by the tribunal, rather than subject to court review.

● 仲裁条款与清盘程序的相互关系:仲裁条款与清盘程序之间的相互作用仍存在不确定性。

Interplay between arbitration clauses and winding-up proceedings: uncertainty persists regarding the interaction between arbitration clauses and winding-up proceedings.

● 积极支持仲裁和坚守正当程序:尽管法院继续积极支持仲裁,但在适当的情况下也会拒绝强制执行,展现对正当程序的承诺。

Pro-arbitration approach and commitment to due process: While the court continues to adopt a pro-arbitration stance, there are instances where enforcement may be refused when appropriate, demonstrating a dedication to upholding due process.


These Hong Kong court decisions collectively underscore the robust independence and pro-arbitration stance of the Hong Kong judiciary, solidifying the city's reputation as a pre-eminent seat for international arbitration.


Led by renowned lawyer Edward Liu, Haiwen Hong Kong's Dispute Resolution team delivers high-quality legal services in resolving a wide range of disputes. With comprehensive skills, they excel in complex cross-border litigation, international arbitration, and domestic commercial disputes. Highly regarded for their expertise and reputation, the team handles high-value claims, and is experienced in institutional and ad hoc arbitrations across Hong Kong, London, and Singapore, as well as litigation and winding-up cases in Hong Kong.


Since 2010, Edward Liu has been invited to serve as a special contributor for the Arbitration Law Monthly, specifically writing articles about Hong Kong courts' decisions on arbitration and introducing the latest developments in Hong Kong arbitration to the global arbitration community. The printed abstract version of this article can be accessed through the provided link to the original text. For the complete version, please contact the author directly.

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