海问反垄断业务组受著名法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,为其撰写《合并控制2024》全球实务指南。文章深度解析了中国有关经营者集中的法律体系、经营者集中申报的全流程事项(包括申报标准、申报材料、审查重点、限制性条件谈判等)、跨司法辖区问题等,并特别关注最新的立法变革和执法趋势。
Chambers and Partners, a well-known legal ranking agency, invited Haiwen Antitrust Group to contribute to the Chambers Merger Control 2024 Global Practice Guide. Our commentary on merger control in China provides expert insights into statutory framework, the entire process of merger control notification (including notification thresholds, notification materials, substance of the review, negotiation of restrictive conditions, etc.), cross-jurisdictional issues and more, with an additional focus on the latest legislative changes and enforcement trends.
View the whole article by clicking “Read More” at the end of this page.
海问反垄断业务组受著名法律评级机构钱伯斯(Chambers and Partners)邀请,为其撰写《合并控制2024》全球实务指南。文章深度解析了中国有关经营者集中的法律体系、经营者集中申报的全流程事项(包括申报标准、申报材料、审查重点、限制性条件谈判等)、跨司法辖区问题等,并特别关注最新的立法变革和执法趋势。
Chambers and Partners, a well-known legal ranking agency, invited Haiwen Antitrust Group to contribute to the Chambers Merger Control 2024 Global Practice Guide. Our commentary on merger control in China provides expert insights into statutory framework, the entire process of merger control notification (including notification thresholds, notification materials, substance of the review, negotiation of restrictive conditions, etc.), cross-jurisdictional issues and more, with an additional focus on the latest legislative changes and enforcement trends.
View the whole article by clicking “Read More” at the end of this page.
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